DeSantis is auditioning for the role of his lifetime… He wants to be POTUS in 2024, but first he needs to win the Republican Presidential Nomination… Will he ever make it…???

To achieve his gargantuan ambitious goals, he needs to demonstrate to the Trumpist base whom he needs to conquer that he can be tougher, meaner, and more Trumpist than Trump himself, but with a touch of a more reasonable composure and delivery; which makes the Florida Governor even more dangerous than Trump because he’s deceiving, meanwhile Trump – though a mythomaniac — has no filters…

Ron DeSantis is more coy, and he – sort of — knows how to cover up his real nefarious dictatorial intentions, that in the long run could be devastating for our society…

DeSantis also needs to show the Christian Nationalists and Evil-gelicals that he can be more evil, hateful, racist, bigoted, divisive and White Supremacist than Trump…

DeSantis really needs to convince the hostile ultra-America First GOP base that he’s very much against immigrants of all kinds, even though he’s a second generation grandson of Italians who came to America in the early 1900’s…

He needs to show them that even though he’s Catholic, he’s actually one of them, and couldn’t be more gained to the ‘who’s whiter than me’ game…

Ron DeSantis is trying to make America believe that he has become that great fighter that in the name of God has been chosen to confront, destroy and stop the ‘Woke Left’, whatever that means… He’s establishing himself to the Religious Radical Right Wingers from Hell as the one that will depose King Donald because now it’s Prophet Ron DeSantis precious moment to save America from the hands of ‘Wokism,’ a culture that according to the ‘none woke’ is ruining this country…


DeSantis will save America by saving a species in extinction struggling to survive – no matter what — the White Supremacist species… Together with the insane extremists of the Republican Party, the Freedom Caucus that DeSantis helped to create, will save the US, Making AmeriKKKa Hate Again…

With all his farfetched agenda and diabolical recent actions, DeSantis swears that he’ll convince the Trumpist base – whom he needs desperately to become POTUS — as well as by using the hypocritical jaded utterance that he’ll fight for their “Christian morals and values”, as another manipulative tool to win them over even if that means – ironically — to trump over the real legacy and values of Jesus; which’s Compassion, Love, Mercy and Tolerance, qualities totally missing from the so called GOP Christian Nationalists…

DeSantis’ way of governing and coming across as a leader, is by fulfilling  an almost Neo-Nazi and autocratic fascist objective based in denial of what really makes America great… Denial of the Civil Rights Movement, denial of Unity in Diversity, of Human Rights for Gays and Lesbians, as well as for minorities and immigrants, and by also lacking a genuine appreciation and respect for all cultures, nationalities, religious beliefs, and colors of skin, taking the country back to the Jim Crow era of segregation…

Instead of limited government – which’s the GOP’s slogan — DeSantis is already showing where he’s taking his State of Florida and where he’ll be taking the country with his socio-political and socio-pathetic ideology, creating a dictatorial populist regime like the current one in Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and many others…

He’ll allow big government – as he’s doing in Florida — micromanage and meddle in every single aspect of Americans life, be it education by prohibiting certain courses about Black American History – to start with — as well as by prohibiting all kind of books that are a threat to Christian Nationalist Culture, crippling certain sport teams by denying funding like he did with the Tampa Bay Rays, because they are pro-gun control, while DeSantis is a big fan and another well paid puppet of the NRA, and to say the least he also attacked the diversity efforts of he NHL, the National Hockey League that’s opening up to the possibility for underrepresented young talent to have the opportunity to play in their team… DeSantis also signed a bill barring transgender women from playing on public school sports teams…

The Governor of Florida doesn’t stop here, he’s going against women’s right to choose over their bodies, he’ll be jailing teachers for not complying with the Apartheid DeSantis Laws, persecuting LGBTQ members, repressing them to express and live freely in a free society…

The main reason for going after Afro-American studies is that the truth about black history might slowly but surely be forgotten, covering up the White Supremacist guilt of what they did to so many minorities in this country, and that now wants to impose itself again in our society, regaining supreme power and control over US…

Woke culture represents the freedom and liberties of our American democratic, inclusive and diverse society, it’s the opposite of White Supremacy and Christian Nationalism… WOKE CULTURE is totally the opposite of what DeSantis wants to impose on Florida and on the nation as a whole….

DeSantis hasn’t been investigated properly but he should, it’s not enough to see how he’s attempting against the First Amendment by punishing Disney, taking their autonomy away because they publicly defended the rights of gays and the LGBTQ community…

It’s not enough to criticize DeSantis for banning an Afro-American course – with very poor excuses — as well as banning certain books, like “Memphis, Martin, and the Mountaintop” and “The Life of Rosa Parks”, both prohibited by the Governor from Duval County Public Schools… All this persecution only creates a sense of an Apartheid kind of Gestapo regime with rules that instigate so much fear to the point of making teachers quit their jobs or leave the Florida State… Isn’t this a violation of the US Constitution First Amendment, among other violations…???

How can DeSantis appeal to Christians  – and they accept him  — when in a such inhumane way he took a group of immigrants who were already vetted and flew them from Texas to Florida, and from Florida – with false pretenses — he sent them by bus to Martha’s Vineyard to punish the Woke East Coast for their leniency regarding immigration…

We don’t need to agree with illegal immigration to deal with illegals that come here through jungles and dangerous rivers and regions, and after all they go through also treat them inhumanely… DeSantis did this whole cruel show for the Christian Nationalists so he can demonstrate to them that he’s as tough and mean as they’re… In few words, that he’s one of them…

Would Jesus treat these immigrants with such a disrespect and humiliation…??? Would Jesus reject the gays and judge people by the color of their skin…??? So, why the Christian Nationalist do…??? Don’t they know that Jesus actually was a Middle-Eastern man who looked like one, and not even white with blue eyes, like they want to portray Him…???

Not surprising that DeSantis also opposed DACA that would benefit children of illegal immigrants who came here as babies and deserved recognition and amnesty for their hard school work and achievements as students, worthy of staying in America, the only country they have ever known becoming real assets for our society…

And the list goes on of all DeSantis constitutional violations of Human Rights, and his abuse of power; which he tries like any other Populist Leader to cover up with certain benefits like not taxing certain products of massive use, or lowering costs for kids to go to Florida colleges, bragging about an economy that’s stronger than other states because he never wanted to follow the COVID-19 guidelines and recommendations, that might have created an unusual wealth for the time being, but also as consequence of these policies many people died in that state for lack of protection, for not using masks, and for the anti-vaccine propaganda…

None-the-less, all this that we know about DeSantis isn’t enough, we need to dig more and into his past…

As DeSantis was a teacher in Darlington College, after coming out from Yale, there were Afro American students that felt mistreated by him for being black, besides recognizing his bias towards the South’s attitude in favor of slavery… He also violated the law that teachers shouldn’t mingle with students… He’d show up at their parties and hanged out with students in spite of the rules, and there’re photos that confirm those facts…

As a Navy lawyer, there’s a lot to explore and investigate… There are interviews with people that were with him in Guantanamo who have confirmed him ordering torture and war crimes, as well as his participation on those sessions where it seems that he even enjoyed the cruelty…

No wonder that during his time as Congressman he created bills against Muslims and accused several Muslim charities of sending money to fund terrorism; which ended up being false accusations…

It’s also known but not discussed enough the border like corruption that took place during his campaign in which he accepted donations from people who got promises of governmental positions…

The New York Times, the TAMPA BAY TIMES and The Real News, so far, have been one of the few reliable sources, as well as some YouTube segments who have taken the time to explore DeSantis past…

Now the question is: What will DeSantis do next…??? Ban Native American Studies, where the abuses coming from the white fundamentalist Christian communities involved massacre of tribes, forced conversions to Christianity, uprooting and separating Native American kids from their families, humiliating and enslaving them, as well as kidnapping their new born for professing a Culture and Heritage that was considered inspired by the Devil, when these abusers and criminals were actually the ones that behaved like demons…???

And even if DeSantis has a pretty cozy relationship with the Florida Jewish Community, his intentions are questionable if it’s only for votes, since he has given his support and endorsement to Anti-Semites from the Radical Extreme Right, like in the case of Senator Doug Matriano from Pennsylvania, a far-right, fundamentalist Christian Nationalist politician not too fond of Jews…

Arrogant DeSantis, most probably thinks that he can play this double game, to be one kind of leader for a certain group or community, and the contrary for a totally different group with opposite values, and succeed nonetheless… As he’s hiding his game he must be hoping it would go unnoticed but take him to ‘the mountain top’ where he might reign forever as GOD’S ANOINTED ONE, to guide America to its salvation from ‘woke culture.’ Which will probably end up being more like guiding America to a living Hell…


  1. Ron Desantis & Trump have proven how wry dangerous & extreme they are! Anyone who claims God chose them & then retaliates against other humans is not only blasphemy but totalitarian under the guise of religious virtuosity! Damn Desantis & Trump as they have turned America backwards again under the guise of Godliness! Stop them both as America is going backwards!

    • I couldn’t agree more… I can also perceive how their dangerous influence on so many gullible Americans – who identify themselves with Trump/DeSantis hatred, divisiveness, racism — is destroying our American democratic values… This new extreme Republican Party thrives amidst chaos and a society in disarray…

  2. I recognized in him a Fascist.
    Today, I learned something new and really scares me.
    But what really scares me is the amount of people that don’t believe in Democracy.

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