America has always been a beacon of light and democracy for other world nations… Not only through socio-political issues but also through its Movie and Media Culture… Now more than ever when Film, TV Channels and Production companies that represented only a section of our society, for example: White Christian America – like the Hallmark brand used to do — since a few years ago they’ve been going through an amazing transformation, reaching out to minorities and other sectors of our society, proudly showing its diversity…
The more Trump and his followers are striving for uniformity and White Christian Supremacy and Nationalism, opposing forces are raising to defeat this divisive and bigoted power, trying to find tolerance and Unity among our Diversity…

America’s a Blessed Nation, and no matter how distressing and hopeless it seems some of the social, political, economical crisis we’re facing, instead of sinking in it for years, like countries as Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, and others less fortunate, we always find ways – in a short period of time — to snap out of the mess into a stronger and healthier society and preservation of our democracy…
What seems like a dead end is just an opportunity to purge what’s wrong from the very roots, as well as an opportunity to heal our society making it more whole and integral…
Trump’s divisive discourse of hatred, racism and bigotry has been inspired on the false concept that America’s predominantly a White Christian Nation, a movement created by White Supremacists Christian Nationalists that not only are against the constitutional principle of Separation of Church and State but also against the Constitution itself… Hence Trump’s declaration – a few days ago — that we should terminate the US Constitution…

The US Constitution is based mainly on Masonic principles of respect of all creeds, races and nationalities, plus the Separation of Church and State…
This infamous Trumpeter movement has been growing and conformed by many other elements that invaded our culture – and a few other countries around the world —  influenced by Russian bots and trolls and Putin’s interference, attempting to destabilize our democracies…
This cyber invasion of a foreign enemy power helped these White Supremacist and Nationalist groups come out of their closets and adopt as their tools the farfetched QAnon Conspiracy Theories, that has now become part of the mainstream of the least educated faithful Evil-gelical Church goers…
These socially resentful members of our society, hope that through chaos, violence and by perpetrating hate crimes they’ll be able to overthrow our democratic institutions and create instead an authoritarian theocracy ruled by some sort of Christian Bible Sharia Law, similar to the terrorist Islamic ideology that they always hated so fiercely and now they’re faithfully imitating…
 The recent attempt of a coup in Germany is a copycat of the seditious attack on Capitol Hill on 1/6/2020, led by White Supremacist Christian Nationalists and Neo-Nazis, incited by Trump, and as these Germans traitors expressed in their manifestos, they’re also faithful followers of Trump and the QAnon Conspiracy Theories…

As one section of American society – a substantial minority — is heading towards extremism, fortunately there’s also a counter-reaction… Citizens with a higher state of consciousness have decided to walk and trace a different national path on the opposite direction where Trumpism is heading…
Many Americans are so sick of so much division and hatred that have also affected their own families, who are realizing that if America continues in this path the only result will be the destruction of our society by odium and separation from our main and more cherished values… We’re a nation of immigrants, respectful and open to all creeds, nationalities and races…

America’s an extraordinary great experiment of human rights and values that constantly struggles to perfect its society, its freedoms, its liberties, but mainly its democracy… Maybe once in a while we’ve a setback, a hiccup and a “Trump” seems to take over, but America doesn’t dwell on its negative stages for too long, but thrives ahead full force and always does what’s right and whatever is necessary to preserve what we cherish the most, our democratic institutions…
And here is where Hallmark Christmas Movies, and other Holiday films come to place… Remember these movies – that not long ago — besides following a specific menu, of beautiful towns, and beautiful homes, decorated with beautiful Christmas ornaments and Christmas trees, and all these beautiful people, that had those amazing beautiful lives, and wore these super elegant and beautiful outfits, and at the end the beautiful girl got her beautiful boy and vice-versa, and before THE END they’ll always beautifully kissed…??? For generations in those movies the producers, writers, directors forgot that America was a melting pot…

All of this has changed mainly in the Hallmark Movies, and others of the same kind… It’s not that we won’t enjoy anymore the beautiful and joyful Christmas festivity and it’s wonderful decor, but diversity has taken over, actors representing all races, Afro-American, Latino, Asian, Hindus, all of them are bringing their own ways of celebrating Christmas, but not only the glorious Nativity of Jesus, but also the celebration of other religious festivities, like the jewish Festival of Light Hanukah, and how both religious occasions can complement each other and how acceptance of other beliefs enriches our own…

Judging by the success of these movies, many people in America and the rest of the world wait to see more of these films, that with time have become more profound and realistic, dealing with more personal but universal issues that affect each one of us in spite of our race, our religion, our nationality, and at the same time have preserved their original beauty of the Christmas season, of the beautiful Christmas decorated homes, and the beautiful people, but now of all colors…

Those films also teaches us – without preaching — the meaning and history behind those religious celebrations and hopefully soon we’ll be able to learn through those films more about Islam, Chinese New Year, Buddhism, Hinduism, and all the religions that exist in our planet in an Interfaith effort of opening up to the whole world, never changing the happy and hopeful THE END…
We need more happy endings…!!!
Knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of our differences builds tolerance and TOLERANCE, builds UNITY in DIVERSITY, creating a more harmonious and peaceful world with HAPPY ENDINGS…!!!!


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