Like the wind that can penetrate all corners, a positive influence can substitute – slowly but surely — the negativity and social strife that today is prevailing in America…
A leader (s) will show up whose mandate will correct and guide others to take the right path, and bring the nation once again to a place of harmony within and with the world…
These new public servants will learn from history and will have the wisdom to foresee the future. They’ll understand what America needs to step up to a new social and political plateau, to change the present circumstances, so that the US Democracy can be preserved according to our Constitution… New leaders with honesty and integrity will come to our society’s rescue, who’ll help us protect our liberties, and our citizens’ human rights …
None-the-less, before the US will be able to achieve this ideal situation and save its democratic institutions; which currently are in peril, the country will need to suffer a period of chaos, violence, loss, financial strife, and even shame, so it can learn certain lessons and wake up to a different reality they’ve planned so far, by finally recognizing and uncovering the truth, becoming more aware and assertive on what’s good and what’s evil for our country…
Americans will learn – in time — through strife to discern which leaders are actually good for America and who’re the ones that want America’s best. As well as, which leaders are only for their own selfish interests, in pursue of their own power and supremacy and by any corrupt means, even if that means lying to the people with conspiracy theories, or committing acts of violence to intimidate and impose their will by fear and by force…
This HEXAGRAM 57 has some changing lines that transform into HEXAGRAM 8: UNION; which speaks about the outcome, that in this case means that America’s society needs to unite and live in tolerance and acceptance of our differences… In a few words, our goal is to achieve UNITY in DIVERSITY…
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