Most democratic, free, and civilized societies want to move away from Anti-Semitism, as well as they tend to ban any kind of racism and bigotry… It’s just not cool anymore, and can be quite a career killer for those who still dare to boast publicly their Anti-Semitic sentiments, mainly here in the US…
To see how Kanye West is being criticized, punished and dropped by his sponsor companies: Adidas, Gap, JP Morgan Chase, Balenciaga, and many others, plus his own agency that used to represent him, the CAA – all of them repulsed by his recent death threats against the Jewish community — it’s a breath of fresh air that proves that Americans – in their majority — won’t tolerate Anti-Semitism nor any other type of extremist offensive views against any minority…
Nonetheless, it isn’t just about one stupid celebrity spreading hatred, but when that hatred expands and incites others to take action, it usually ends up in violent attacks against vulnerable communities and individuals, who’re peaceful, and innocent citizens…
it’s strange and mind boggling that someone like Kanye West who’s black and a target of racism himself is perpetrating that same kind of bigoted actions towards another group of people, in this case the Jews…
Does Kanye have such a short memory as to forget that the Jews – specially in America — have been great defenders of the Blacks Human Rights, as well as being unconditional supporters of the Civil Rights Movement… ??? Maybe his education levels don’t go that far…
History has witnessed how Rabbis and many Jews marched together with Martin Luther King Jr, being one of them the courageous Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, who was very close and one of Reverend King’s dearest friends…
Kanye as a musician – and better than anyone — should know that thanks to the promotion and influence of so many American -Jewish music agents, managers, heads of the greatest record companies and visionaries like Clive Davies, who discovered and acknowledged the immense talent of the Black singers and composers, who brought to the general and white American audience their extraordinary voices and soulful Negro Music, also paved the road for artists like Kanye himself so that he could get where he’s now…
Who can forget the Apollo Theatre in the middle of Harlem NY, owned by Jews, the Minsky Brothers and later by Sidney Cohen, that for years became one of the very few places that accepted black talent where great celebrities like Ella Fitzgerald, B.B. King, Patty LaBelle and even Jimmy Hendrix had the opportunity to showcase to a broader audience their amazing artistry and genius… ??? Thanks to its unique history the Apollo was added to the National Register of Historic Places…
Why are the Jews the target of so much hatred and bigotry…??? And mainly nowadays the Jews are the protagonists of so many conspiracy theories blaming them for the many ills and problems that exist in the US and even in the world…
Israel has become in only 74 years one of the greatest achievements and even miracles of our contemporary times…
Today, Israel is a beacon of light, democracy and progress, in a devastating and dangerously violent region embattled by constant tribal religious senseless wars, where civil dialogue has been usurped by terrorism, and suicidal acts, catering to a blood thirsty culture of hatred, and destruction, in which human life has practically no value…
ISRAELI SOLDIERS attending a Syrian war victim who with others cross everyday to Israel to be medically treated…
Amidst all this strife, Israel – a tiny nation with great minds — has been capable to share with the world and to benefit humanity with its agricultural and irrigation systems, with medical, scientific, and technological inventions and discoveries, even helping those who want to destroy her… Its military might and intelligence agencies like Mossad and Shin Beth, are at the same level or even surpassed the CIA and MI6…
Israel has lived all her life in constant strife with the Palestinians, with whom after so many years wasn’t capable to achieve a permanent peace agreement, and much less justice; which hasn’t always been on her side… Nonetheless as a nation, Israel was able to conform a diverse society, where Jews, Christians, and Muslims, as well as from other religions, together with immigrants from many nationalities, can now co-exist democratically and thrive next to each other, trying their best to cope and adjust to their differences…
Here in America Jews are essential members of our society, great patrons of the Arts, cultural icons in music, film making, theatre and literature… They’ve adopted and fought for great causes to enhance and make American society not only better but excellent, by being part of the government, and using the media to defend and promote democracy, freedom and respect for communities and individual’s human rights…
American Jews have always pioneered the greatest causes to promote change, and “good trouble,” like the women’s rights and liberation movements in America, whose leaders were three Jewish women: Betty Friedan, Bella Abzug and Gloria Steinem who worked together, side by side, with Shirley Chislom, who was the first AfroAmerican woman to be elected for the US Congress and also the first one who ran for the US Presidency in 1972…
From Left to Right: Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug, Shirley Chislom, Betty Friedan…

Jews in America belong to all walks of life and have worked incessantly for the well being of this nation to which they owe everything, from the times they were refugees escaping wars and Anti-Semitic persecution until today, when they occupy prominent positions in the American society…
Is that actually the reason for Anti-Semitism, the capacity of achievement, the surpassing of the American-Dream, the ability of placing suffering by persecution and bigotry aside and instead of dwelling in a victimhood mentality the Jews understood that the best way to defeat an enemy is by being successful, and prove them that Jews are not only indestructible, but also have the power and might to destroy their haters and detractors, defending themselves as well as other nations that need their military might to survive, like in the case of Ukraine…???
Israel destroyed a fleet of drones in Syria, a whole Iranian factory, so that the Russians can’t use those deadly drones anymore to bomb Ukraine, nation of heroes whose President and Prime Minister happen to also be Jewish; and mainly President Zelensky, who’s a descendant of Holocaust survivors…
No wonder that thanks to what Israel can offer as military power goes, the Abraham Accords have also been pretty successful in creating an alliance of several Arab Nations: Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, and probably Saudi Arabia also, very soon, with the intention of stabilizing their relationship with Israel by forming a united front against a common enemy that’s Iran… Meanwhile, they’re benefitting greatly with all sorts of commercial exchanges that can strengthen even more the new born ties they’re creating…
It’s sad that Israel hasn’t been more active in trying to publicize and show its shared achievements with the world, and how its existence in this planet has benefited humanity enormously from a military, political, humanitarian, scientific, and medical point of view, even though the unresolved issue of the constant festering war with the Palestinians makes it very hard to take positions in favor of one side or the other…
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5 responses to “Hey Kanye, dude… To be Anti-Semitic Isn’t Coooooooool Anymore…!!!!!”
An expression in African American culture says: “Apples do not fall far from the tree.” But observation reveals some apples fall so far from the tree they no longer resemble the tree from which they came. All this to say, Kanye has fallen so far from the tree that bear him he no longer is of that tree. He is a tool for those who seek a race war. The more he is ignored the more irrelevant he becomes.
Amen… I totally agree with you…
Thank you…!!!!
Thank you…
Black people and Jewish people tend to bond and find a lot of historic common ground… Jews were the great supporters of the Civil Right Movement, Jews were the first and more passionate promoters of Black Music and they managed to make it Universal, as well as Gospel Music… Both people came from slavery and persecution…