Putin’s a terrified little man, not only in stature but also in character, whose merit as a human being isn’t exactly that of a great leader known by his bravery, or for the love for his people, nor for his altruistic magnanimous deeds, and much less for his current leadership as Russia’s “strong” man; but instead, he’s mainly viewed like a menace to the whole world, called by most a “mad man” and even considered as “Hitler # 2…”
In this last year, mainly since Ukraine’s illegal invasion by Putin’s forces, the West has constantly formulated the unnecessary and kind of useless question of : WHO’S PUTIN…???
Needless to say, we can’t ever know who’s who if they don’t know it themselves, and Putin has adopted all kind of postures, attitudes, different personalities, displaying all kind of character traits, that most probably now-a-days not even Putin really knows who Putin is; but a bloody ex-KGB agent whose job has made him a chameleon that just adjusts to convenient situations and circumstances, manipulating his way through, with the hope of fulfilling his need for power and dominance…
His megalomaniac need, born from the trauma and fear – imprinted in his psyche permanently — for the loss of his beloved Mother Russian Empire and subsequent fall of the Berlin Wall – the only safe bubble he dwelled until that moment — events that also contribute to the fact that rules today’s Putin’s actions; which also makes him embark in his suicidal mission: conquering and annexing Ukraine to Russia, at all costs…
At one point Putin pretended to be a friend of the West by embracing the EU as well as NATO… He also pretends to have abandoned his former communist atheism and suddenly he has become this devout Christian, so he can use the Church to promote moral values as a form of keeping the Russian society even more repressed, and ingratiate himself with many other Christian denominations around the world that have actually fallen for his game…
Many American Evangelical Christians support Trump’s closeness to Putin and his imperialistic moves, totally ignoring Russia’s intervention in Ukraine, as well as his meddling in the US 2016 elections that helped divide us Americans through Social Media bots, Russian trolls, and conspiracy theories…
Donald Trump, according to some Christian Churches, was sent by God to save America, but for Putin he was a puppet who’d help him to get rid of the sanctions, at the same time he’d use Trump to confuse and bring our society to its knees… In other words – and for all involved — the goal justified the means, in the name of God…
Putin also has come across as a friend of Islam, he even wanted to portray being the providential link that could bring together Islam and Christianity, none-the-less committing genocide against Muslim Chechnya by accusing its people of terrorism against Russian civilians… Same excuse he used to commit the atrocities he did in Syria, helping Al Assad to consolidate his power against the will of the Syrian people…
Under the world’s weak response to all of Putin’s abuses against international laws, among which is also the illegal annexation of Crimea, Putin felt empowered as well as entitled to massacre and destroy Ukrainian’s society and infrastructure…
None-the-less, most of his plans, strategies, and desperate actions to establish Russia as a military power in the Middle East, Latin America, and in Europe, with the invasion of Ukraine – war that he doesn’t want to recognize that he’s loosing — he’s embarking in an inevitable suicidal mission, meeting his inevitable demise coming from within Russia itself, where his own population is raising against him, resisting going to war… Mothers, sisters, wives are also fighting Putin’s regime together with their loved ones, helping them escape the nonsensical draft…
Putin is in panic mode… His strategies to consolidate power and territories have miserably failed… Putin’s pretty much isolated from the world and from his own country men… Putin made his desperation obvious with sabotaging the Nord Stream pipeline that supplies gas to Europe now that winter is approaching, and even worse, by threatening the world to unleash his nuclear arsenal if he can’t get his way…
The question is not if Putin – who’s about to loose everything he ever fought for — will dare to use his nuclear weapons or not…??? Of course he will…!!! So, the question is if there are sufficient responsible forces around Putin who can stop him from pressing the lethal button…???
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