Those who believe in the need of Militias to confront their governments are not respecting the Second Amendment Act but on the opposite, they are in violation of the American Constitution by using force and the threat of arms too impose their will, their agenda; which sounds more like any other regime of any banana republic ready to oppress and tyrannize their own citizens…

Unfortunately, what really seems to be at the root of the problem, is that WE ARE WEAPONIZING OUR FEELINGS, our confusion, our dreadful emotional and irrational approach to the world events of our days, that seem so apocalyptic sometimes, and makes us wonder what the future holds, and if there is any, or what is coming will be even worst than the present, making us wonder if our own lives are worthwhile at all…

When we feel that our lives are worthless, that there is no future, when we don’t even have any compassion for ourselves, the lives of others are even more worthless, they just become targets against whom we can weaponize our feelings of hopelessness, our fears of life itself, our anxieties of the unknown…

Mass shootings are a desperate way out, an expression of the inexplicable emotional chaos we are in when we attempt to make sense for what already lost sense and meaning in our lives, that’s life itself… It’s also a way to get a 15 minutes of fame, a misunderstood celebrity status, for a despicable unforgivable criminal act…

By shooting others, we are practically shooting ourselves… It is a genocidal-suicidal act that symbolizes and marks the end of our times…

Can a new more positive and hopeful beginning come out of all of this…??? Probably, and hopefully, yes…

Your intelligent & respectful comments are WELCOME…