No doubt that we are under THE TYRANNY OF THE NRA, whose main interest is to sell more guns, saturating our ignorant and blinded society with lethal weapons under the belief that we need them for our safety and survival; and besides that, we have to admit that most Americans have a fetishist obsession to own guns, using the inexcusable excuse of the STAND YOUR GROUND LAW – active in certain states — or by quoting the SECOND AMENDMENT ACT: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The STAND YOUR GROUND LAW would not really be necessary if the proliferation of guns – and mainly those that fall in the hands of unstable people — was not so extensive and out of any type of control…

The SECOND AMENDMENT ACT simply does not apply today, nor to our society, because it is an outdated law not compatible with our times, because we are a democratic nation of laws and separation of powers, of check and balances, and our governments are elected by the people and for the people…


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