#WhereAreTheChildren…??? How and why did the Immigration Gestapo of the Trump Administration lost those children…???

We all agree that the law is the law and should be abided and respected so that order, control, discipline and peace prevails between our borders…

Unfortunately the law is mainly written words that prevail in idilic societies, as well as in the law books… None-the-less, they also can be somewhat inflexible and if they aren’t associated or taken in consideration with a touch of compassion and humanity, or applied on a case by case basis, these laws can become not a tool, but a cruel, inmoral, inhumane instrument and a dagger piercing the gullet of our society…

Like we – individual human beings — have a clear destiny with which we were born, plus space and free will in between our astrological designations to create good or bad karma for ourselves, so does each country…

The will of the collective creates the destiny of each nation… A nation of compassion brings blessings to its society… A nation that commits evil acts and disrespects the moral and family values it should be built on, brings damnation and suffering to its people… That’s how formidable empires lost their power, when greed, wickedness, corruption and viciousness ruled and triumphed over their civilization…

During this TRUMP ERA what seems to prevail is evil, hatred, division, racism, bigotry and mainly xenophobia… It seems like it, because our country – even though that by very few votes and in a most likely rigged election — gave power to an inmoral system forced by a deplorable minority of bigots and XENOPHOBIC who’re trying to impose themselves over the will of the majority…

This minority that claims supremacy for being white, Christian and the real owners of the US, in the name of preserving their identity and in the name of Jesus, Jesus, Hallelujah are willing to go against all the teachings of their Lord and Savior by committing all kind of violations of Human Rights, as well as Crimes Against Humanity to make their Alt-Right movement and community of whites colonize once again their version of AmeriKKKa…

These nut cases and Trump supporters encountered in his discourse of hatred and division the solution to their inevitable situation as a species in danger of extinction struggling to survive… As well as the possibility of preserving their fading identities because racial intermarriage and assimilation as a consequence of the flux of immigrants of all nationalities, skin color, religions and faiths that have come to this country to achieve the American Dream have changed significantly the demographics of this nation…  Being change, modernity, adjusting to new technologies abhorrent and not exactly to the liking of these nativists and populists who would rather take the country backward to the white supremacist AmeriKKKa of the 50’s and 60’s…

Trump’s supporters claim they want this country back, forgetting that the only ones that can do that are the real original dwellers of these lands: the Native Americans massacred by the thousands by the white men coming from Europe so they could take away from these tribes their fertile and productive lands…

The white men that came to what’s today the USA came also because of religious persecution, crime, violence, famine and lack of opportunities in their own countries, almost for the same reasons and similar situations to those immigrants that today concentrate in our border with Mexico and who are coming from all over Central America, as well as other countries of the world…

As immigration laws are concerned and immigration reform in America – we can all agree — is a must; controls, discipline, organization can be established without being inhumane, as well as inmoral… We can always find ways to deal with any kind of situations from a compassionate point of view; which isn’t the case – not even close — coming from the immigration gestapo created by this Trump Administration who have implanted a reign of horrors, even violating certain international laws pertaining to Universal  Human Rights, as only solutions to deter the caravans of undocumented and illegals coming to our borders looking for asylum… Even those that are trying to do the right thing and present themselves to customs in a lawful and civilized way requesting legal status by presenting their dire situation in their homelands, are castigated and in the worst way…

Families are separated… Children are being taken away from their mothers, as young as 18 months, mothers are detained in jails and their children dispersed in different locations as shelters, sponsors, or foster homes, but we also know that many have fallen into human traffickers’ hands and nor the mothers nor kids know their whereabouts once separated… In many cases these injustices are perpetrated in a violent way where the parents can’t say goodbye to their babies properly and these little kids, because of their very tender age cry inconsolably since they’re very afraid and can’t understand what’s really going on… Most of these kids have never been separated from their mothers, ever…

Like this isn’t bad enough the worst has happened, almost 1500 children have disappeared and not even the Department of Homeland Security know where they are… These children have dropped off the grid, off the radar of DHS and we can only speculate what has become of them…

Have they been taken by good samaritans that are hiding them so that the Nazi Trump system can’t hurt them…??? Were they placed in an inhumane place where many of them could escape and they’re wondering around fending for themselves the best way they can…??? Have some of them become victims of human trafficking…???


It’s inconceivable the attitude and ill disposition of Trump himself and people from his administration who’re responsible for those kids and any immigration issues in general, as well as their reckless, heartless and careless  responses, including their lack of compassion when it comes to answer the many questions we as Americans have regarding the lives of so many people escaping hardship and violence in their countries…

Trump – the  Liar-In-Chief — as he usually does scapegoats the Dems to cover up for his terrible and ill-hearted mistakes… So, he tweeted: “Put pressure on the Democrats to end the horrible law that separates children from there parents once they cross the Border into the U.S…” “Catch and Release, Lottery and Chain must also go with it and we MUST continue building the WALL! DEMOCRATS ARE PROTECTING MS-13 THUGS.”

General (R) John Kelly, White House Chief-of-Staff also made a very demeaning and inhumane comment about the illegal immigrants that come to our borders: “The children will be taken care of — put into foster care or WHATEVER. But the big point is they elected to come illegally into the United States and this is a technique that no one hopes will be used extensively or for very long…”

“WHATEVER”…??? What does John Kelly mean with “whatever…” They’re human beings for God’s sake…

Jeff Sessions, AmeriKKKa’s Attorney General, the most racist and xenophobic of all exposed his – Gestapo like — evil immigration plan: “If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law,” Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement event in Scottsdale, Ariz. “If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border.”

“If you cross this border unlawfully, then we will prosecute you. It’s that simple,” Sessions added, describing the new policy as zero tolerance. “We are dealing with a massive influx of illegal aliens across our Southwest Border. But we’re not going to stand for this.”

There must be other ways to control, deter illegal immigration without having to separate families and much less babies and toddlers from their mothers…  Abiding by the law of the land and rules of engagement doesn’t necessarily mean to break the moral and humane codes, nor violate the Human Rights of people in distress…

It takes great courage and a lot of cojones to flee from a horrible situation and cross borders, desserts, facing all kinds of sacrifices, risks and dangers to finally get to a place where they hope to settle and give their families a better and safer life… It’s so understandable that anyone wants that for their children…

That doesn’t mean that we need to allow everyone in but in the case they don’t satisfy the requirements for asylum don’t make their lives more miserable by separating them from their kids and then lose them without any trace so their parents eventually can’t recover them…


These lost kids came alone to the border of Mexico and the US, if they’re really lost we can’t even imagine how their parents might feel about letting them go with the hope of a better life for them…

We can only pray that good people are taking good care of them and don’t want the government know where they are so that they can stay here safely… Or maybe the government has them hostage somewhere and say they’re lost – as a scare tactic — so no more kids and caravans will show at our borders ever again…



Your intelligent & respectful comments are WELCOME…