It gets extremely complicated when we enter a discussion – mainly with some of Trump’s “Basket of Deplorables” — about what’s racist and what’s not…

We need to admit that  racists when called as such become very defensive and find thousands of excuses to their racism… They rationalize it in such an extent that if you had any doubts that this particular person was actually racist – after they finish trying to convince you otherwise — you end up knowing for sure that they’re yuuuuuuuge RACISTS WITH CAPITAL LETTERS, mainly when they end up defending Trump and all his discourse of hatred and social resentment…

So, those of us that have made a conscious decision to RESIST TRUMP and unfortunately fall sometimes unwillingly in this type of discussions with the wrong person or trumpeter, who always defend themselves and their idol The Donald by bringing up a bunch of nonsense about Hillary or Obama – or even worse — by trying to flip the conversation to Democrats whom they blame for the KKK; which was founded many generations ago and since then the KKK has become a conservative right wing from hell Jesus, Jesus, Hallelujah, Evangelical Christian brand, or acuse us liberals – whom they call “libtards” and “snowflakes” — of being the real and true racists for going after their White Supremacy B.S., when one of these scenarios take place, or even when all take place at the same time, we liberals should just admit to their faces and put an end to the argument but telling them: “YES, WE’RE ACTUALLY BIG TIME RACISTS AGAINST ALL THAT’S RACIST AND ALL RACISTS, BIGOTS, XENOPHOBIC AND ALL THAT’S SOCIALLY PREJUDICIAL…”

That’s it… No more dealing with what they call “double standard” coming from the liberal side because off the bat we’re shutting them up by declaring ourselves – what they so much want to hear — that we’re RACISTS… The only thing is that we need to add as well what are we racist about and we’re RACIST vs. RACISM… That’s it…!!!!

How can they refute that, or start one of their stupid ever ending discussions and master class in irrational and perverted lack of truth and psychotic, hateful and socially resentful discourses, coming from their white, fluffy fat asses…???


Your intelligent & respectful comments are WELCOME…