If just the Nazi idiots that support Trump and his ultra Nazi policies, would be decent, fair, good people, and humane, but mainly GOOD Christians and not Evil-gelicals, plus literate, or enough educated so they could read and inform themselves about the Immigration policies created by the Democrats vs. the ones created by this racist, bigoted, and xenophobic administration, they could finally realize how perverse and mythomaniac is the Dick-Traitor-In-Chief they placed in the White House…
There would be a national consensus to finally oust him and send him to the kind of hell where he deserves to stay for the rest of his life…
What else is needed to convince this “basket of deplorable” that this man is a menace to society, a rotten human being that stains and damages all he touches and someone we can’t trust, who’s placing our country and the rest of the world in jeopardy of a nuclear WWIII type of war…???
Already the New York Attorney General is suing Trump and his kids because of some shady and fraudulent activity they found out regarding his Foundation, and also for funds used in his campaign that weren’t supposed to come out from his charity…
It’s not the first nor will be the last law suit of this kind that The Donald will have, because this guy is a conman…
We’ve Manafort – his ex-campaign manager — going to jail for so many charges among which are witness tampering and money laundering, besides working as a foreign agent in favor of Putin and Russia and against Ukraine…
Manafort, whose ties with Russia are undeniable, as well as Trump’s attorney and partner in Real Estate, Michael Cohen, whose liaisons with the Russian Mafia are pointing to the obvious, that those liaisons are leading the Mueller investigation directly to the Putin’s administration colluding with Trump and his campaign… Even Flynn’s case is also tied up with Russia, so it’s very clear that most probably that collusion did take place between Trump, his kids, his presidential campaign, and the Russians…
Of course, now with all those pardons that Trump started to issue he’s – evidently — sending a message to his pals that are under FBI investigation; which is: don’t sing, don’t say a word, let them indict you if they can, I’ve the power to pardon you and get you out of this mess…
Then the fiasco of getting the US into an international trade war, wrecking the economy and also harming so many of his own followers should make us ask ourselves what kind of personal benefit is Trump getting to insist so adamantly on moving forward with those tariffs that instead of favoring the nation – like he always likes to say — it might damage our country’s import-export deals and trades, as well as our relationship with our allies… But most likely be excellent for Dick-Traitor-In-Chief’s pockets and his family’s bank accounts…
Then we’ve the other fiasco at the G7 where he started his own war with our allies and specially with Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister, to end up in Singapore making believe that he solved the problem with North Korea giving concessions to Kim-Jong-Un in exchange of zero, nada, zilch, bragging about his intuitional and instinctual gifts and the great virtue he has that helps him size up anyone in a minute, which leads him to praise non-stop the brutal inhumane and savage NK dictator…
Or Trump got sucked in and made a fool of himself in Singapore and he really believes all the BS he’s saying about Kim-Jong-Un and the great “success” of the Summit, or all this is part of a strategy, but not to manipulate the North Korean regime for Peace in the World, but for him to get a Noble Peace Prize, since Obama already got his own…

And now, back at home, the immigration fiasco Liar-In-Chief created in cahoots with his sinister dwarf Jeff Sessions – AmeriKKKa’s pathetic Attorney General — is a total house of horrors and so damaging for his administration’s records in Human Rights, that in this case – more than in any other one — Trump was forced to lie big time and blame the Democrats for his own policies of family separation…
You must be profoundly idiotic, or very evil, or even mentally retarded to believe in Trump’s litany of lies and still not have a little bit of compassion and empathy for what he’s doing to these Central American mothers – at the border — whose babies, toddlers, and kids are being taken away from them and placed in detention centers…
Those centers or shelters seem decent and clean in the surface, like something similar of the idilic artistic town created in Germany by Hitler and the Gestapo during the Nazi Era – Theresienstadt — to fool the International Community, making them believe that the Jews in every Nazi camp lived as well as in Theresienstadt and had a wonderful life, with theatre, and concerts, and all kinds of entertainment and talent shows…