The #EnoughIsEnoughMSD – #NeverAgainMSD Movement…
With youngsters like brave and outspoken Emma Gonzalez – survivor of the recent Valentine’s Day – Marjory Stoneman Douglas (MSD) High School in Parkland, Florida shooting — America can be sure that if they continue with their activism and on their path of creating real CHANGE in America, they’ll never, ever cave in to the whims of the NRA…
The younger generation that will take over our country will finally prevail and the tyranny that the NRA has over our American Society will be no more…
The NRA doesn’t hear US, the majority of the American people…
They don’t want to hear the plea and the FIGHT FOR OUR LIVES that most Americans have voiced, nor they respect the natural right we all have to live; which was poignantly expressed by the victims and survivors of gun violence during the march of March 24, 2018…
A few images of THE MARCH OF OUR LIVES that took place all over the US and around the world on March 24, 2018:


(Photo by Bilgin S. Sasmaz/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
Washington D.C.
The NRA doesn’t want to hear, see, understand and much less stop this madness that gets worse every time Congress and the WhiteHouse go back to the hands of Republicans; which includes – unfortunately — some Democrats as well…
The NRA’s for the NRA only, for their members and gun fetishists…
Their misinterpretation of the 2nd Amendment Right is an abuse of the right to bear arms that’s killing our society, creating fear and terror among the population that lives in a constant state of unrest because of the proliferation of weapons of war among civilians; which is increasing and with less background checks to determine who’s in his/her sane state of mind, or who’s not, to be able to purchase, or even own these lethal weapons…
Every time someone in government – like President Obama — tries to have some effective gun control laws passed, the NRA pours its millions of dollars, its diabolical and threatening influence to stop these bills from turning into permanent laws…
They use their fascist and authoritarian rhetoric to politicize the issue that’s so much more than that; that’s about life and death, peace and war…
For lack of arguments and truth, for lack of righteous justifications to their obsessive and almost demonic proliferation of guns and practically arsenal of war – all over our country — the NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch – in a very manipulative and almost bizarre and quite stupid maneuver — stated: “Many in legacy media love mass shootings. You guys love it,” Loesch said. “Now, I’m not saying that you love the tragedy. But I am saying that you love the ratings. Crying white mothers are ratings gold to you and many in the legacy media.”
Even worse was the speech that gave the NRA President Wayne LaPierre in the aftermath of the massacre of Parkland, Florida who blamed liberals for inciting hatred against his organization, as well as preaching communist ideas including going after their precious phallic objects, their guns, their weapons, THEIR MANHOOD…
LaPierre must be very scared thinking that when liberals will have the upper hand – very soon — they’ll get their way and will be taking all their guns away, and AmeriKKKa won’t be able to fight these socialist invaders that are coming with their “evil” ideas of CHANGE, PROGRESS and of a more INCLUSIVE SOCIETY, a more EGALITARIAN and JUST SOCIETY…
Remember that in November of 2018 the only way we can stop a bad NRA guy with a gun and bullets is to have a good guy with a ballot to VOTE THEM OUT…
4 responses to “WE MUST NOT FORGET…”
Wow. Powerful stuff.
We can only hope that they’ll be able to achieve their goal…
How can a person want to ban guns to save lives, but support “abortion on demand” killing almost 1,000,000 babies per year? Pick a side, are you for saving lives or ending them?
this is bs yall poped on my facebook pages yes guns have 2 purpose and its to save and kill but the way yall think is wrong guns dont do the killing its the people behind them the crazy Democrats 90%of all shooting are done buy yall and then yall cry more gun controle may be wr need to get rid of yall ban yall i own many gun and none have goten up by them self to kill anyone and never will they all have a purpose to serve hunting self defence from a bad guy with a gun and sport so yall have a fear of guns u need to get out of the mind set and go to a range and learn how to handle them properly so if u want to debate this feel free to find my face book