There are no words to describe the use of gas or chemical weapons against a group of people, including women, children and senior citizens because they differ, or resist a dictatorship that for years have tyrannized, terrorized, tortured and massacred millions of their nationals even against the will of the majority of the nations’ population…

Just a few days ago Bashar Al-Assad – the Butcher of Syria — committed once again the inhuman act of gassing his own people in one of the opposition’s strongholds outside Damascus, in the city of Douma…

The consequences and reaction on humans of these attacks are described by various witnesses, victims,  first responders and journalists… From excerpts taken from The Guardian’s article:

“Dozens killed in suspected chemical attack on Syrian rebel enclave”

“The attack was near bomb shelters and so it spread quickly in them,” said a paramedic who helped treat the latest group of victims. “The gas was concentrated and in a place where people thought they were safe.

“The wounded arrived to us with expanded irises and loss of motor control; many were suffocating because of the high concentration of the gas … A lot of cases arrived too late.

“We sent some rescue workers to save people and four of them came back because they also suffocated, and we treated them as victims. The situation is very bad.”

“Rescue workers said many of the victims remained where they had died because of further shelling, the penetrating odour of the toxic gas and the lack of protective gear.

They said victims showed symptoms that included suffocation, central cyanosis – a blueish discolouration of the skin – foaming, corneal burns and the emission of a chlorine-like odour.”

A local journalist who was in a nearby building said: “The bombing in my area was particularly intense because there are medical points there, and the gas was dropped on a nearby building.

“The families were hysterical. I went to a medical point that is an underground hospital, and in the tunnels the dust was filling the area and there were women, children and men in the tunnels. When I arrived at the medical point it was like judgment day, people walking around in a daze, not knowing what to do, women weeping, everyone covering themselves with blankets, and the nurses running from victim to victim.

There were entire families on the floor covered in blankets, and there were around 40 dead in shrouds lying between the families, their smell filling the place. The situation, the fear and the destruction are indescribable.”

The UK Foreign Office said in a statement: “These are very concerning reports of a chemical weapons attack with significant number of casualties, which if correct, are further proof of Assad’s brutality against innocent civilians and his backers’ callous disregard for international norms.

“An urgent investigation is needed and the international community must respond. We call on the Assad regime and its backers, Russia and Iran, to stop the violence against innocent civilians.”

In the U.S. President Trump’s response was also immediate, he twitted: “Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian Army, making it completely inaccessible to outside world. President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price…”

Meanwhile, U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s response was:

“I spoke to the president this morning, and he said, ‘If the Syrian regime uses this poisonous gas again, the United States is locked and loaded,’ ”

“When our president draws a red line, our president enforces the red line,” she added.

Nikki Haley made that pronouncement during a Security Council meeting convoked by Russia – Syria’s protector and most powerful ally — and both nations still dare to cynically – but not surprisingly — and in unison to deny their deplorable act of genocide that repeatedly they’ve been committing  for quite some time…

In this particular horrific moment in humanity’s history it’s not important if we agree with Trump or not, if we like or not  his policies, his chaotic administration, his vulgar and bigoted demeanor, his confused and topsy-turvy White House, his reckless and depraved sex life… What’s important now is that Trump reacted with enough passion and compassion and willingly listened the advise of his military and defense team… What’s historically important as well is the  creation of a coalition with our allies Great Britain and France with whom the US agreed to send a message to the world that we won’t tolerate crimes against humanity – like gassing innocent people — and that we’ll respond in kind…

Only infra human waste and social scourge is capable of such a massacre…  Only psychopathic leaders would dare to gas and chemically attack so many innocent kids and adults causing them to  die or get crippled for a lifetime – physically and emotionally — for the sake to hold on to an undeserved power in spite of a nation’s will to be free…

Russia and Iran are also responsible for the human rights violation and the crimes against humanity perpetrated by Bashar Al-Assad regime against it’s own Syrian people…

But mainly Russia bears more guilt and responsibility because besides strategizing and helping Syria militarily and politically, they for sure knew – in advance — about all these attacks and most probably also promoted and accepted them as necessary to achieve their ultimate goal of total control and dominance over a Syria without any opposition…

Members of a family must protect themselves… Members of a community must take care of each other… Neighbors belonging to a tight neighborhood must watch for one another… Towns, cities, states, countries must work together for the well being of all the people of their nation… And all the free, democratic and ethical nations of the world must protect the citizens of those countries where democracy, human rights and disrespect for human lives are in peril…

The U.N. even if its voice is heard and fulfills a certain mission – now-a-days — it doesn’t seem to be  enough… Not even NATO seems to be enough…

With all the weapons of mass destruction that exist today in the world, with all the nuclear proliferation and its missiles of long range, with all the lethal weapons, arsenal of war, deadly gas agents and chemicals, but mainly with the proliferation in so many parts of the world of diabolical and profoundly psychopathic and evil leaders, who rather would destroy their nations, their neighboring countries, the whole planet if their power would be remotely in danger, or being lost, for which a spontaneous and temporarily coalition of nations wouldn’t be enough to detain the corroding advancement of these infamous monsters greedy to possess and dominate the world… Literally having the world under their thumb…

It’s ok that we went after Al-Assad’s chemical weapons capabilities, we’re sending a message, but still this isn’t enough…

We need a permanent coalition of nations more powerful than any international global institution ever created like the U.N. or NATO and so much more powerful than them,  with a very capable army of all sorts, cybernetically equipped with state of the art technology, with an extraordinary arsenal and group of professionals  dedicated to a constant war against evil, against tyrannies, against regimes that violate human rights and constantly commit crimes against humanity, and therefore with enough autonomy and independence so they can skip some of the crippling bureaucratic and dilatory processes…

Rogue states usually nest and harbor terrorism and lethal menacing groups that threaten the whole planet… The best example is today’s Syria where ISIS festered, and like Syria there are many such states all over the world ruled by ruthless tyrants and terrorists…

Being Putin one of the most menacing, treacherous and murderous ones, but also a very  powerful and diabolical political predator whom we’ve today – unfortunately — in our midst…  Putin’s tentacles go beyond Syria… His prey are spread in every continent  from Africa to Asia, from the Middle-East to Europe, and even in Latin-America, being Venezuela the possible next Syria…

Venezuela – which is in America’s backyard — is one of the nations where Putin’s influence can be mostly felt in this failed, rogue, corrupt, genocidal and tyrannical narco-regime, supplied by Russian arsenal of war and weapons that the Venezuelan murderous dictatorship uses to repress their citizens, so they can stay in power in spite the will of their nationals, and to preserve the financial, political and territorial interests of Cuba, Russia and China, as well…

If the international community doesn’t find a way to get rid of the Putins, Al-Assads, Maduros  and so many other genocide monsters of the world, and accomplish that  soon – but not only with surgical and short lived military moves —  our planet will fall in the hands of these tyrannical authoritarian leaders and in a blink of an eye we’ll be sucked into WWIII; which can lead us to the total destruction of our planet because never, ever before our weapons and missiles have been so powerful and lethal…



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