Are we still on time to stop the Trump Era from eroding our Freedoms, our Liberties, our Constitutional Rights and preserve them from being violated and therefore desecrated…?
Are we going to be able to RESIST TRUMP and avoid the social, political, moral damage and even the toxic deterioration with which his infamous influence is permeating our nation, our media, as well as how Trump’s Amerikkka is being perceived internationally…?
Will America’s Democratic Institutions survive Trump…?
Let’s face it, or we WAKE UP to the WORLD around us – to the “Trump’s Surreal and Alternate Reality” he’s breeding — AND SMELL THE COFFEE, or everything we’ve achieved so far with our progressive agenda; which includes all of our social, political and economical victories, will be totally and hopelessly lost…
Millions of tax dollars and hours invested in technological advancements and research are about to be wasted…
Our international successes and wins, mainly in the Climate Change arena, in Artificial Intelligence and in so many extraordinary discoveries that in the last few years – during the Obama Era — placed America First, now are being reversed by this current Trump administration, and sadly enough by his obvious personal grudge and social resentment against Obama, which propels Trump to destroy all of his predecesor’s legacy, no matter how harmful it can be for our country…
As time goes by and many of Trump’s policies will finally – but hopefully not — be implemented, the US will bitterly realize that Trump’s impulsive and failed actions aren’t placing America First but last, or even worse, isolating America from the rest of the world…
As FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller moves forward with the Russian probe, a private NGO – non-governmental and non-profit organization — for the preservation of our American Democratic Institutions and Government Ethics should be created…
The main reason for this NGO would be to implement a parallel super qualified investigative special squad, ran by prestigious professionals, party un-biased and with enough authority who’re willing to dedicate time, knowledge and use their contacts, including those contacts with the “real news” media – which is pivotal — so they can observe, analyze and watch – very closely — over the activities and policy decisions Trump’s making…
Mainly those decisions that are affecting the finances of our nation, to understand better where The Donald, as well as his family are coming from and their true intentions behind those decisions… It wouldn’t be surprising at all that that instead of what The Donald calls America First, it’s actually Trump Family First…
When we feel in our pockets the rattling of the Markets, in our 401Ks, in the thousands of agricultural products and on all the produce made in America which’s going to be negatively taxed by China, even by the EU because Trump – in spite of the warnings of his closest advisors — is provoking a Trade War with the Chinese and other nations of the world, we must ask ourselves what’s the main reason behind the steep tariffs he’s imposing on imported steel and aluminum… Is the reason for those taxes to really help the steel industry because it’s owners voted for him…??? If that’s the case why sacrifice the farmers – in the process — who are going to suffer more than any other group and they also conform his base…???
Just by the havoc he’s creating within several of the most important US industries – which mainly belong to his own devotees and followers that voted for him — as well as all the unrest and animosity he’s creating abroad against our country, we might as well suspect that an “alternate reality” agenda is in play, with the clear intention of accruing some type of benefit, diverting profits towards shady and under-the-radar companies and corporations that behind them – and in a very concealed and discrete way — most probably is Trump and his children, including his son-in-law…
When we read one Trump tweet after another attacking one of the most successful American corporations like Amazon and his CEO Jeff Bezos, the way he goes about it, it sounds too evident that it’s a claim coming from a more personal nature than coming from a President worried about his nation; which most of its people are benefiting, even some profiting from the outstanding service that Amazon’s providing to all of us, Americans…
In one of his tweets Trump wrote: “I have stated my concerns with Amazon long before the Election. Unlike others, they pay little or no taxes to state & local governments, use our Postal System as their Delivery Boy (causing tremendous loss to the U.S.), and are putting many thousands of retailers out of business!” None of what he states in this tweet is true and it can perfectly well be proven otherwise but the fact that retailer businesses have been less successful since the people – not only in the US but also around the world — can now-a-days shop online without having to go out of their homes, which means savings in gasoline, saving time, instead of driving to the malls and staying for hours stuck in traffic, plus other countless advantages… What bothers Trump the most is how Amazon has affected him and his family businesses besides the fact that Jeff Bezos has recently acquired the Washington Post, big media outlet and long time Trump enemy and of his administration…
It’s also public knowledge that Amazon caused Trump’s family $400 Million in losses in Real Estate Value because the retail business has suffered from the successes of Amazon e-commerce… But not only Trump has been a victim of Amazon fabulous triumph, but also many of his cronies who can’t adjust to change and together with their POTUS want to take advantage of his power to make their problem disappear: AMAZON…
Trump’s not here to DRAIN THE SWAMP because he, his family and entourage are THE SWAMP…
A vindictive President who’s abusing his power to make covert and corrupt deals under the table to profit himself, his family and friends, it’s committing such a serious crime as the treason of colluding with an enemy foreign power – like Russia — to win the Presidential Elections by very shady means…
Aren’t this suspicious activities coming from the White House also deserving of a thorough and conscientious investigation to determine if the President is using his office for his family’s financial advantage and in the name of saving the nation from what he calls failed economic Obama’s administration policies…???
His dealings with certain members of Congress to illegally usurp big chunks of our National Parks, which are also sacred Native American land for exploitation and mining, his dealings with Saudi Arabia, with Israel, his strange attitude towards Russia and Putin, towards China, Mexico, Canada and other nations from the EU, as well as towards world organizations like the UN and NATO, should be scrutinized more, analyzed more, because Trump doesn’t do anything for America First…
Whatever The Donald does it’s because he’s taking into account Trump’s family first, even if that means to keep his base happy and voting for him in detriment of the rest of the nation, which are the majority of Americans, even if he doesn’t want to accept it… Everyday POTUS 45 is surrounded by a new scandal, one worst than the other…
Let’s see how far the new one: Michael Cohen’s probable indictment and what secrets he might reveal to Mueller and his team will bring to Trump’s presidency… So far, it’s the most dangerous of all, getting closer and closer to The Donald’s not only entourage, but to himself and his family… How will all this affect his position as President, his possibility to stay in the White House, and mainly how it will change the Congressional map colors for the mid-term elections that will take place in November of 2018…???